Type 2 Fun
Our adventureous CEO, Joe is always up for new adventures. It doesn't suprise us one bit when he takes off on a weekend warrior trip, but his dedication to hiking...

Our adventureous CEO, Joe is always up for new adventures. It doesn't suprise us one bit when he takes off on a weekend warrior trip, but his dedication to hiking all of California's 14,000 foot peaks is impressive! Read on to hear his story about Type 2 Fun.
A few years ago my good friends Nate, Scott and and I decided we wanted to climb Mount Shasta. As kids we were all ski bum mountain lovers so we thought this would be a good way to unplug, reconnect, and do something challenging. Being adventurous individuals with tendencies toward the occasional pain and suffering, we decided early on we didn’t want to take the easy route to the summit. So we hired a guide, bought crampons and ice axe’s and set off into the unknown.
The first thing our guide explained before leaving base camp was that we were about to have some “Type 2 Fun”. He went on to explain that Type 1 fun is pleasant…you actually enjoy it. Type 2 fun, on the other hand, is just the opposite. It’s likely painful, emotionally draining and physically exhausting. And most importantly, you won’t know you had Type 2 fun until the experience is over. Sound miserable? It was. But he was spot on. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life…and all of us got hooked. After we got off the mountain and began the process of self medicating with margaritas via the local Mexican restaurant we made each other a promise. We would climb every 14,000 foot peak in California.
Fast forward 2 years and we are 3 summits down. Each one seems to get better as we learn more about the mountains, our gear and most importantly ourselves. John Muir said “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings” and I never really understood it beyond a saying. Now I do.
Enjoy some photos from our 3 trips up Shasta, Langley and Split.